State law requiring 50 hours of practice driving, 10 of which must be done at night, will help give young people more experience behind the wheel, in a variety of situations, helping them to become better drivers Please note that the 50 hours are in addition to any time spent behindthewheel with a driving instructor All 50 hours must be spent with someone age 21 or older who has been6'''Atleast10'ofthe'60'hou rsmustbe'atn ight 6'''The'logmustbe'signed'byasuper visingdriver'andturnedin toDMV'upon'application'for'the'Level'2driver'license'Special Offer Save big and get one FREE month of Allstate Roadside Services Reg $7495 with offer $ 6000 Register Now What Our
Dmv Adjusts Road Test Waiver Requirements For Drivers 18 And Over Neuse News