Enel is one of the main villains of the anime/manga series One Piece He is the former false god of Skypiea Goro Goro no Mi He eat the devil fruit of thunder He can transform his body into lightning and can control this element Haki Mechanical Expert Staff Ark Maxim Rubber An old man named Professor Tsukimi made them on Machine Island, and one day, while watching the moon and eating snacks, a huge explosion happened on it, much like the one that destroyed Enel's ark The professor, shocked, swallowed his dumpling without chewing, resulting in him suffocating to death After burying the professor, the four SpaceysOne Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Sanjin 6 years ago #1 I annihilated him in legend log guts_Battousai 6 years ago #2 Dream log, after you beat_____he will appear in one of the islands